
Transport Needs

The world relies on transports and the transport needs look different depending on location and industry. We offer solutions for transport tasks within a wide range of industries. Take a closer look at the transport needs we meet and how we do it.


Transports that literally put food on the table. Volvo Trucks offer solutions that take lots of load and covers long distances efficiently. Trucks that are easy to manoeuvre and are comfortable to live in. 

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Building & Construction

Cities grow and trucks make it all happen. Volvo Trucks’ solutions make it possible to carry more load, tackle tougher terrain, reduce cycle times, get more uptime, take the strain off drivers’ shoulders and save fuel. 

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Mining & Quarry

Heavy loads, steep gradients, sharp turns and confined spaces. Volvo Trucks offers transport solutions that endure tough use in harsh environments. Ones that enable taking heavy loads & keep up the pace to boost productivity.

Recommended trucks:

Long haul

Transports that connect regions and countries. Volvo Trucks’ solutions for long haul transport shrink distances and make the most out of each drop of fuel. Made to keep drivers comfortable and safe on the journey.

Recommended trucks:

Regional haul

The strongest link in urban supply chains. Our transport solutions are made to connect regional logistics hubs. And efficiency isn’t only about high average speed, but also about easy manoeuvring and access to the cab. As well as meeting special needs for emissions.

Recommended trucks:

Container Transports

Securing international supply routes. Volvo Trucks’ transport solutions make waiting, manoeuvring and loading at terminals easy. Made to take care of drivers while making the most of each drop of fuel.

Recommended trucks:

Forestry & Timber

Going wherever it takes – heavy loaded, through tight spaces on poor roads. Our transport solutions let drivers do more in less time. And they’re built to stand tough use so that the truck can keep on rolling.

Recommended trucks:

Heavy Transport

Taking on the heaviest assignments call for experts. Volvo Trucks solutions offer the power needed, but also the refinement to keep it under control. Features that enable to safely move hundreds of tonnes with ease.

Recommended trucks:

Petroleum & Chemical

Managing risks require experts and the right tools. Volvo Trucks’ transport solutions meet strict demands and help drivers deliver on them every time. At the same time, our trucks can be tailored to bring more load than one would imagine.

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It’s about closing circles and fulfilling needs. Our transport solutions are built to handle the intense traffic of the modern city and busy terminals with ease while meeting special restrictions on emissions. But also simplify for drivers to get in and out of the cab safely. Again and again.

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Waste & Recycling

Transports for a sustainable society. Volvo Trucks offer solutions for the modern urban areas – built for stop and go driving, getting in and out of the cab on repeat, and lots of time spent working around the vehicle.

Recommended trucks:

Public service & Utilities

Tools tailored to serve the society. Very specific transport requirements call for the right tools. Volvo Trucks can purpose-build transport solutions for pinpointed needs.

Recommended trucks:

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